Friday, 26 November 2010

Drush makefile - installing dev versions of module

Normally in a drush make file modules to be installed are referenced by their module name e.g.

This will installed the recommended release of cck. If you want the development release, which is more recent, change the makefile entry to:


You can find the specific version of a module you are using by looking at its .info file.

Note that in your info file the version will appear with the Drupal version in front of it , like so:
version = "6.x-2.x-dev"

Just remove the "6.x-" part in front when building your makefile.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Drush blogposts

Drupal deployments with Drush Make & Aegir

Installing Drush Make

Drush Make is a very cool drush extension that allows you to automate the installation of a Drupal instance , including the downloading of modules, jquery libraries and lots more , all of which can be defined in a "make" file.

In order to get this running i placed the drush_make folder from the tar ball in my
.drush folder under my home directory - the full path being .drush/drush_make

Obviously your mileage may vary , but this worked for me.

Place your makefile in an empty site folder and just type

drush make mynewsite.make

Drush - installing jQuery UI

from your drupal root:

cd sites/all/
mkdir libraries
cd libraries
mv jquery_ui
cd ../../../../
drush en jquery_ui

Drush - find module names quickly

If I have a lot of modules , scrolling through the output of drush sm isn't very productive.

If you are looking for say the "Node Reference" module you can quickly find it's drush sm output by typing:

drush sm | grep "Node Reference"

CCK Node Reference (nodereference) Module Not installed 6.x-2.x-dev

It's name is "nodereference" , so to enable it just do

drush en nodereference

Drush - enabling modules with a space in their name

Problem: Within CCK there is a module called "Content Copy".

drush en "content copy" returns an error. How do I install a module with a space in it's name?

Answer: Use drush sm to list the available modules in your drupal instance.

In the "Name" column of the output generated you will see

Content Copy (content_copy)

in the CCK section.

Therefore the drush command is:

drush en content_copy

Drush - installing CCK

Problem: drush en cck will installed the approved cck release, but not the dev version. How do I install the dev version?

Answer: drush en cck-6.x-2.x-dev

This will install the latest dev version. But when it comes to enabling CCK the syntax is somewhat different - remember that "cck" is not a module , its a package of modules, with the core of it being the "content" module.

Therefore to enable CCK , the drush command is

drush en content

Features Links

Main docs
Features Module
Getting Started with Features
Readme.txt (Revision 1.1.2)
API.txt (Rev 1.1.2)
features.api.php (rev 1.1.2)
Bug Reports

Other docs
Introducing Features - Development Seed, May 2009
Scared of Features? Don't Be
Features Module abridged